Balancing Power: A Core Practice in a Complex World
Life is complicated, an ironically simple fact. When I want to describe a situation that...
Authored with Love by Our Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Teachers and Community Members
Life is complicated, an ironically simple fact. When I want to describe a situation that...
“Right action, borne of compassionate, spiritual wisdom, unites.” This is the core axiom of the...
Calling pijuayo the ‘apple of the Amazon’ is also a limited comparison deserving caveats. There...
In the Peruvian Amazon, many jungle dwellers are reluctant to call palms ‘trees’. They are...
Some believe the Inkas maintained a kind of obsession with entering the rainforests to the...
Every year in the high Andes of Peru, tens of thousands of pilgrims walk a...
It has been nearly a year now since my wife and I embarked on our...
It has been written that to control one’s breath is to control one’s life. Initiates...
When I began writing The Evolutionary Empath three years ago, I had the most unbelievable...
We arrived quite early that October morning; the second car in the Anacortes ferry line...
We seek transformation at every level of our being in our connection to the greater...
Ceremony sets the stage for us to be fully present and engaged with ourselves and...
Walking down did have its easier aspects, and I felt some hope that I would...
It had been blessedly cloudy for most of the day which meant protection from the...
We are remembering and being re-Membered when we enact a ritual bridging the seen and...
There is just something about spring here in the Canadian Rockies, these majestic apus. I...
Revitalized by the magic of Royal Hummingbird, I loyally followed my guides up the mountain...
Under the spell of the New Moon I was drawn to commune with my sacred...
I recently saw an advertisement for a t-shirt that had the slogan “Woke!” on the...
I kept thinking I would adjust, acclimate, hit a stride. I could hardly look around....
They say a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. What they don’t...
Starlight is fading. I feel the apus embracing me, their massive, deep resonance. Marvelous realms...
Our first sight of the majestic Apu Tahoma (Mt Rainier) overwhelmed me with tears of...
It’s said that life is about making choices. Right now I’ve got two. I alternate...
Our plant spirit allies offer a beautiful way of uniting nuna (our soul) with the...
It’s June in the Adirondacks, typically hot and buggy, but this summer solstice in the...
Do you ever suspect that we are not as intelligent nor advanced as we have...
It’s Day 2 of my Paqo Wachu, the day I embark on an overnight into...
In the presence of Beauty the mundane becomes magical. The ordinary becomes extraordinary. We get...
When seen from the lake, Apu Sawteeth is like a sleeping dragon. I, paqo, on...
As Winter Solstice returns, I feel in my bones the ancient ones guiding me to...
Chattering happily with one of my travel mates, I suddenly stopped talking and proclaimed with...
A no moon night in the North Woods is as dark as it gets. I’m...
As a practitioner of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, I have learned that one of the...
“Batten down the hatches!!” She cried out in her mind. The world had gone rough...
The rise of the Spirit of the Feminine is now. She is a weaver of...
Most recently, after completing and submitting my book manuscript, I reorganized my entire office, which...
We mere mortals don’t come into this world fully formed and complete. Our entry into...
Sacred relationship. Two simple words that can have a profound and transformational impact on life...
The other day I went to visit a newborn apacheta built this summer solstice on...
Previously, I wrote about the Ukhupacha (the Lower World) and the Kaypacha (the Middle World)...
There are numerous “themes” a shamanic adept encounters in embracing the shamanic lifestyle. One of...
All journeys are unique when death comes calling. Grieving is individual and universal. One’s journey...
The most difficult of strife and struggles that occur in our lives often bear the...
What is it that you bring? Who do you see in the mirror each morning?
The magnificent journey that we take in life as a human being can be heartbreakingly...
The Pachakuti Mesa altar ground is many things. Among them, it is map and mirror,...
Human beings have been drawn to sacred places on this lovely Earth for generations. To...
In traditional shamanic cultures, shamans were selected in specific ways, often through a near-death experience,...
Since I began my journey with the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, I have been studying more...
One simple gesture, the K’intu – enough, nothing and everything. I am a prayer walker...
“Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence...
I have always loved collecting beautiful objects and infusing them with special meaning. Long before...
As daughters and sons of Pachamama, our birthright is a marvel, and it is ours...
I warn you, whoever you are, Oh! You who want to probe the arcana of...
Previously, I wrote about the Ukhupacha (the Lower World) in conjunction with teaching the first...
Most anything can be medicine or poison, depending on relationship and respect. I have known...
I was inspired by a non-linear, matter of fact series of events to enact a...
It has been suggested to me that if I want something powerfully transformational to be...
Om Klim Kalika yei Namaha… I chanted it again and again over an impromptu fire...
You just naturally want to complete the rest of it, don’t you?
As we begin to take the steps to understanding deeply the people we come from,...
As I pause and listen to the heart and presence of our Pachakuti Mesa Tradition...
In the deeply angled sunlight of an Autumn afternoon, two farmers wearing overalls and baseball...
“You really like the dark, don’t you?” one of the recent participants of the Pachakuti...
As an aspiring adept, I was moved to write this article out of a desire...
It has been one year since I first chanted the directions and breathed into my...
I touch the hallowed cup of the Divine Feminine principle to my lips and drink...
In PMT training we are taught our mesa is a reflection of us. It is...
Three years ago, we in the Heartland Ayllu – the local Kansas City community of...
Dancing in the Dark, I’ve been firming up, digging deep into what lies below. The...
Along our individual journeys and our collective one toward ultimate healing for ourselves and the...
Crying over a mess of herbs and alcohol stirred into an inert slop before my...
I never cease to be amazed at how the natural world is continually communicating with...
The power of the ritual is calibrated by our ability to surrender. When we do...
Just recently my family and I vacationed to some sites up north, one of them...
I went to school to learn the rules and uses of the language I loved....
Throughout my life I have searched for a myriad of ways to bring healing to...
Despite how far you go with something you must always revisit the basics, to reinforce...
This is the third installation of my writings regarding my mystical experiences with Vulture and...
This is a continuation on my last offering up of my experience with Vulture, and...
In my most recent sojourn to the latest class with my teacher, she stated to...
I never really expected shamanism to be my path… let alone transform my relationship to...
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