Conscious Living as a Ritual Artist
Ceremony sets the stage for us to be fully present and engaged with ourselves and others. It is also an opportunity to cultivate and maintain a deep connection with the numinous.
Ceremony sets the stage for us to be fully present and engaged with ourselves and others. It is also an opportunity to cultivate and maintain a deep connection with the numinous.
Sacred relationship. Two simple words that can have a profound and transformational impact on life when applied in the proper manner. Sacred relationship is an essential ingredient in order to create and sustain a stable and more harmonious way of living, which is what we all desire. The foundational piece to creating and making holy this interrelated way of being is …
The most difficult of strife and struggles that occur in our lives often bear the greatest fruits, if we are wise enough to see with the eyes of Love. A vast treasure awaits the seeker who is ready and available to trust and sink into the Mystery.
The magnificent journey that we take in life as a human being can be heartbreakingly painful and beautiful at the same time and a bittersweet reminder of the fleeting time that we have on this Earth. But it also reveals to us the sweetness and perfection of our Soul…
I warn you, whoever you are, Oh! You who want to probe the arcana of nature, that if you do not find within yourself that which you are looking for, you shall not find it outside either! If you ignore the excellences of your own house, how do you pretend…
I touch the hallowed cup of the Divine Feminine principle to my lips and drink deeply, tasting the verdant, lush, earthiness and taking it deep within my body. I sit and wait, patiently, anticipating my Soul’s lessons…
Throughout my life I have searched for a myriad of ways to bring healing to myself…
This is the third installation of my writings regarding my mystical experiences with Vulture and Heron, regarding my own Death and Re-Birth.
This is a continuation on my last offering up of my experience with Vulture, and the “Fear of Death” piece, that I am working with in general.
In my most recent sojourn to the latest class with my teacher, she stated to us that we should remain open to receive…
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