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Picture of Carolyn Chlebowski

Carolyn Chlebowski

Carolyn is an artist, soul alchemist, dream walker, Earth lover, seer, shapeshifter, space holder, teacher and healer. She works creatively and eclectically to reveal wholeness through exemplifying beauty and connection in all things. You can find her artwork and jewelry for honoring your animal totems and spirit guides at and Witness her journey at
Picture of Carolyn Chlebowski

Carolyn Chlebowski

Carolyn is an artist, soul alchemist, dream walker, Earth lover, seer, shapeshifter, space holder, teacher and healer. She works creatively and eclectically to reveal wholeness through exemplifying beauty and connection in all things. You can find her artwork and jewelry for honoring your animal totems and spirit guides at and Witness her journey at

A Pachakuti Mesa Prayer for the Journey

The Pachakuti Mesa altar ground is many things. Among them, it is map and mirror, clock and compass. My mesa has become my constant travel guide as I journey through this life. Growing up submerged in a society that pathologically prizes constant production and…

A Practice In Sweetness with Royal Hummingbird

Most anything can be medicine or poison, depending on relationship and respect. I have known sweetness primarily as poison or as vessel to it. My mesa work has called me into new relationship with sweetness as medicine, slowly imbuing me with its gifts and…

Embracing Darkness, Gathering Light

Om Klim Kalika yei Namaha… I chanted it again and again over an impromptu fire lit in a tin in the back yard. Fueled by the first coffee I’d consumed in years and all the anger it took to break the floodgate of feelings I hadn’t known were in me, the mantra rumbled…

Medicine for An Age of Endless Ache

It has been one year since I first chanted the directions and breathed into my new altar the intention to walk as a mesa carrier in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Two years since I was Reiki attuned. Three since I first experienced energy healing and shamanic…

Invitation to Ghost Child from a Home Fire

Crying over a mess of herbs and alcohol stirred into an inert slop before my mesa, shedding tears on the wreck as though they might be the secret ingredient to right this botched attempt at alchemy, my body heaved out a liquid history of cynicism, mind collapsing to match the mess like a tapestry unraveled at the tug of a single thread.

Words Between Void and Universe

I went to school to learn the rules and uses of the language I loved. Then when something happened that needed most to be spoken, words failed me.

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