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Picture of Joan McDougall

Joan McDougall

Joan’s quest to experience the ineffable led her to live and work in an intentional community with the Theosophical Society outside of Chicago for five years. After relocating to Idaho, she was delighted to discover the opportunity to meditate and study Qi gong at the Genessee Valley Daoist Hermitage. Joan deeply values beauty, especially the gifts of Pachamama. She communes with gardens and wilderness areas whenever possible. In 2014 Joan was introduced to don Oscar’s teachings of reverence for the natural world, elegance in ceremony, and the concept of sacred reciprocity, all of which propelled her to embrace the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. She still lives in Idaho with her cat Toulouse.
Picture of Joan McDougall

Joan McDougall

Joan’s quest to experience the ineffable led her to live and work in an intentional community with the Theosophical Society outside of Chicago for five years. After relocating to Idaho, she was delighted to discover the opportunity to meditate and study Qi gong at the Genessee Valley Daoist Hermitage. Joan deeply values beauty, especially the gifts of Pachamama. She communes with gardens and wilderness areas whenever possible. In 2014 Joan was introduced to don Oscar’s teachings of reverence for the natural world, elegance in ceremony, and the concept of sacred reciprocity, all of which propelled her to embrace the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. She still lives in Idaho with her cat Toulouse.

Ceremonial Alchemy

We arrived quite early that October morning; the second car in the Anacortes ferry line heading to Orcas Island off the coast of Washington State. Such was our excitement …

Prelude to an Apacheta

Our first sight of the majestic Apu Tahoma (Mt Rainier) overwhelmed me with tears of

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