Balancing Power: A Core Practice in a Complex World
Life is complicated, an ironically simple fact. When I want to describe a situation that feels beyond a simple explanation or resolution it is easy to say “Life is complicated.”
Life is complicated, an ironically simple fact. When I want to describe a situation that feels beyond a simple explanation or resolution it is easy to say “Life is complicated.”
“Right action, borne of compassionate, spiritual wisdom, unites.” This is the core axiom of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Distilled down, I see this as a path toward right relationship, not just with all our relations, but with our own selves as well.
It has been nearly a year now since my wife and I embarked on our first expedition to Peru. We sought a little adventure and a lot of healing. The medium for both was ayahuasca…
It has been written that to control one’s breath is to control one’s life. Initiates of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition are carefully apprenticed in several breathing exercises that…
We seek transformation at every level of our being in our connection to the greater cosmos.
I recently saw an advertisement for a t-shirt that had the slogan “Woke!” on the front. My initial thought was “Woke to what?!?” What is the goal of an awakened heart and mind? What’s so important…
We mere mortals don’t come into this world fully formed and complete. Our entry into the living field is a journey, a process. Consciously or unconsciously, we spend our lives in a movement of manifestation as we progress toward some known or unknown identity, role, or expression of Self.
What is it that you bring? Who do you see in the mirror each morning?
As daughters and sons of Pachamama, our birthright is a marvel, and it is ours for the claiming. We can live upon planet as radiant wonders of loving beauty and do so in peaceful balance with All Our Relations. Our walk in life can be a dance of magic and mystery…
It has been suggested to me that if I want something powerfully transformational to be gifted into reality, that I need to make my desire known to the unseen world and then get out of the way so the powers may manifest as they will.
As an aspiring adept, I was moved to write this article out of a desire to be honest about an intense personal struggle that stirs a sense of inadequacy. In the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross Cultural Shamanism, one’s vista plays a crucial role …
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