The Apple of the Amazon: An Ethnography of Pijuayo – Part 4
Calling pijuayo the ‘apple of the Amazon’ is also a limited comparison deserving caveats. There are several ways in which pijuayo is very unlike an apple.
Calling pijuayo the ‘apple of the Amazon’ is also a limited comparison deserving caveats. There are several ways in which pijuayo is very unlike an apple.
In the Peruvian Amazon, many jungle dwellers are reluctant to call palms ‘trees’. They are a category of plants unto themselves.
Some believe the Inkas maintained a kind of obsession with entering the rainforests to the east of their Andean domain.
Every year in the high Andes of Peru, tens of thousands of pilgrims walk a cold stony trail to the base of one of the region’s many glaciers.
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