Amy Mermaid Isakov

Amy Mermaid Isakov is an eternal student of Life and an innovative dreamer, passionate about connection, spirituality, music, ritual arts, and healing. Having left the traditional education path, she has studied in-depth with shamans, bodyworkers, evolutionary thought leaders, and green builders since 2001. While working at The Shift Network, she hosted and managed all of don Oscar’s courses, while having the privilege to host and learn from many of the world’s leading mystics, dreamers, and visionaries. She also had the joy of recording the audiobook format of don Oscar’s Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation, as well as another book published by Sacred Stories, Ancestors: Divine Remembrances of Lineage Relations and Sacred Sites by Mindahi Bastida. She is a Pachakuti Mesa Sanctioned Teacher, a certified teacher of Active Dreaming, a writer, singer, and mother — among other things — and looks forward to helping as many people as possible return to the truth of interconnection in these times of dire beauty. She regularly leads gatherings in her region and beyond, subscribing to the truth she recognizes in Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching “The next buddha will be a sangha.” Amy is available for local or distance healing work and resides near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


PMT Apprenticeship Trainings + Events

These trainings are done in person. Contact Amy to set up a PMT course in your area.

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Conversation with don Oscar

In this conversation with don Oscar, Amy shares what initially drew her to the  Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Shamanic Arts,
and the ways in which her life has been significantly changed, evolved and transformed as a result of becoming a Sanctioned Teacher.

Interview with MysticMag

Soul Guidance from Nature: Amy Mermaid’s Shamanic Teachings – Learn more about Amy fulfilling her spiritual calling via shamanism.

Photo Gallery

Writers Forum Contributions

Amy Mermaid
Amy Mermaid Isakov

Pilgrimage to Huascaran: Part 5, the Grand Finale

Walking down did have its easier aspects, and I felt some hope that I would be able to ride a horse for part of it. Going down, I could lean into gravity rather than fight it which meant that…

Amy Mermaid
Amy Mermaid Isakov

Pilgrimage to Huascaran: Part 4

It had been blessedly cloudy for most of the day which meant protection from the great and powerful Inti, and that the likelihood of rain was great. I suppose this is why Martín decided…

Amy Mermaid
Amy Mermaid Isakov

Pilgrimage to Huascaran: Part 3

Revitalized by the magic of Royal Hummingbird, I loyally followed my guides up the mountain once more. This part of the trek had us going into some new terrain.

Amy Mermaid
Amy Mermaid Isakov

Pilgrimage to Huascarán: Part 2

I kept thinking I would adjust, acclimate, hit a stride. I could hardly look around. I used every technique I knew to make it easier – every coping mechanism or trick I’d picked up…

Amy Mermaid
Amy Mermaid Isakov

The Mesa as an Anchor of Soul in Rough Times

“Batten down the hatches!!” She cried out in her mind. The world had gone rough and she needed help. Well, sometimes the best help to be had is in just riding out the storm — batten down your hatches and turn into the wind. The Wind had been…

Amy Mermaid
Amy Mermaid Isakov

Facing Compassion: A Look Inside a Weekend Death Mask Ritual

I was inspired by a non-linear, matter of fact series of events to enact a ritualized death mask ceremony. On the full moon of early November 2017, eight people came together over a weekend to do just that, and Faced Compassion. “Love and compassion are…

Amy Mermaid
Amy Mermaid Isakov

Ritual is a Technology

The power of the ritual is calibrated by our ability to surrender. When we do the steps, even if we have resistance, we’re letting go more. It rewires us. Ritual is a technology? Yup. Technology rewires us? Yup. There are studies that show how being…


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