The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition: Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Healing

Michelle Mitchell

Teacher / Leader

Michelle Mitchell
(207) 513-0908

Michelle has dedicated more than three decades to fostering community healing and restitution. Her journey into healing practices began in her childhood, under the guidance of her grandmother, Ouma, in apartheid-torn South Africa. Learning the art of divination during this time exposed her early on to the impacts of oppressive systems, which shaped her life’s work and fueled her commitment to social justice. As a clinical psychologist and an applied social researcher, Michelle creates inclusive spaces where diverse voices and personal stories are both heard and valued. Grounded in her African roots, she champions the philosophy of Ubuntu, embodying the belief that “I am because we are,” and highlighting the importance of shared wisdom and community connection. Michelle currently lives near Augusta, the capital of Maine.


Apr 11, 2025 - Apr 12, 2026


Augusta, Maine

Join Michelle in Maine for the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition foundational apprenticeship series in Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal, starting April, 2025!

Contact: Michelle Mitchell
(207) 513-0908

“This apprenticeship series has been a life transforming experience. The depth and illumination is beyond words. I am discovering my true Self and the work I have come here to do.” ~ Carol G., Des Moines, Iowa

Part 1: The Call to Heal: Releasing the Past
April 11 – 13, 2025
This apprenticeship workshop initiates participants into the Pachakuti Mesa, a powerful and sacred altar.  Students learn how to create their own mesas and work with them for self-empowerment, transformation, and helping others. Through shamanic journey and visionary states of consciousness, participants will explore the three worlds of the Andean cosmovision, sacred reciprocity with all that is, the core ingredients of ceremonial mastery, sacred sound and ritual language, healing, and curanderismo, and the inner world of the ukhupacha.

Part 2: A Balance of Power: Transforming the Present
July 11 – 13, 2025
During this workshop intensive, participants will apprentice in the center direction of the mesa, traditional Peruvian healing practices, and the kaypacha, the middle world. They will explore the kaypacha’s elemental matrix and magico-spiritual power, and learn about the moon’s presence in the middle world, mapping the cosmos on Earth, and celestial death and rebirth.

Part 3: The Condor’s Quest: Creating the Future
October 10 – 12, 2025
This workshop is an initiation into the paqokuna, the Andean Shaman/Priesthood mystical path, the lineage of the sacred mountains, and the five virtues of the mesa. Participants will also journey to and experience the hanaqpacha, the upper world beyond the physical, work with the unseen world there and deepen their connection to their own spiritual resources.

Part 4: The Hummingbird’s Ascent: Living the Mystery
January 9 – 11, 2026
In this apprenticeship workshop students will experience the upper world and learn about its lightning bolt of mystical illumination and the flow of kamasqa, the power of Creation. They will work with the elements, the forces of the universe, the body of Mother Earth, and sacred healing objects. In sacred reciprocity participants will create despachos to honor Mother Earth, the sacred mountains, the elements, the unseen world, and prepare for a paqowachu, a sacred pilgrimage.

Part 5: The Shamanic Self: Serving the Earth
April 10 – 12, 2026
This workshop deepens participants’ experience of soul and spirit through ritual process, including the spiritual creation, activation and care of an apacheta. Students will work with the power of creation in the kaypacha or middle world, dimensionality and time, as well as with the three suns, and the hampikamayoq process (ancient breathing techniques for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and transformation). Participants will be further empowered by evoking both seen and unseen sources of cosmic awareness within their mesa, sacred objects and own being, and initiation into the lineage of this revered tradition.

Michelle Mitchell

Teacher / Leader

Michelle Mitchell
(207) 513-0908

Michelle has dedicated more than three decades to fostering community healing and restitution. Her journey into healing practices began in her childhood, under the guidance of her grandmother, Ouma, in apartheid-torn South Africa. Learning the art of divination during this time exposed her early on to the impacts of oppressive systems, which shaped her life’s work and fueled her commitment to social justice. As a clinical psychologist and an applied social researcher, Michelle creates inclusive spaces where diverse voices and personal stories are both heard and valued. Grounded in her African roots, she champions the philosophy of Ubuntu, embodying the belief that “I am because we are,” and highlighting the importance of shared wisdom and community connection. Michelle currently lives near Augusta, the capital of Maine.

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