Saturday, April 19, 2025
9:30 am – 12:30 pm ET
Please join us for a morning of meditation and sacred ceremony created by shamanic practitioners of The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition lineage. Andrea Groves, Hollie Brooks, and Carolyn Dorr are offering to the community a meditative event to facilitate balance, harmony and healing. Gather with light-hearted soul beings in sacred ceremony to cleanse your energetic body of dense negativity where we will offer energy healing transmissions that can address physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.
We are committed to growing our community of togetherness in a safe container, where all are welcome! Tolerance, inclusion, compassion, and love are woven into the fabric of this spiritually uplifting space! There will be a separate area outside of the sacred circle where you can connect with your fellow human beings, offer additional healings with consent, commune, and enjoy each others company while enjoying a cup of tea while Browsing the offerings and medicine gifts of our beautiful sisters!
Please bring any cushions, yoga mat, blanket and pillow for your comfort. There are also chairs available. Please let us know if you have any health issues that would preclude us from using sage smoke.
Facilitators: Mesa carriers Hollie Brooks & Carolyn Dorr, and PMT Sanctioned Teacher Andrea Groves
Location: South Wales Community Hall, 6387 Olean Rd, South Wales, NY, 14139
Please register by sending us an email to:
Cost: $25 and can be paid through Venmo, Cash App, or Zelle.
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