Shamanic Global Healing Meditation with Barrett Ogden

Barrett Ogden

Teacher / Leader

Barrett Ogden

In addition to being a Certified Energy Healer of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, Barrett is a highly trained actor and teacher of acting, voice, and movement, with decades of coaching from world-renowned artists. He has slung bass for various bands since the ‘80s. He has performed, directed, and co-created new works for stage, screen, and other media. In the spirit of service, Barrett has looked to various wisdom traditions throughout his life. He long felt a profound calling to the shamanic path, though a suitable opportunity with the right teacher proved elusive. When at last he was introduced to The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, he thankfully embraced apprenticeship under the guidance of teacher Garry Caudill with the assistance of Shardai Rose Moon in Boulder, CO, followed by a second apprenticeship with Heather Weingartner and Rev. Anna Maria Lopez in Sedona, AZ. He is grateful to continually witness powerfully transformative healing and artistic development made possible through the THOTH lineage and related wisdom path practices for himself, his students and others. Barrett resides in Sandy, Utah and offers remote healing and Self-development services. Feel free to contact him directly.


Apr 23, 2025


8:45 pm - 9:30 pm


Online (Zoom)

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025
8:45 – 9:30 pm Eastern Time*

Link-Up is a wonderful opportunity to energetically connect in soul presence with the circle of Pachakuti Mesa Practitioners worldwide, strengthening the Great Work of our shamanic planetary tribe. The power that is being harnessed and transmitted is deep and sentient nourishment for the Earth. Please join us!
Please see the weekly WNLU email for the appropriate zoom link. If you are not already subscribed to the THOTH mailing list you can do so HERE.
The meditation portions of these Zoom meetings may be recorded in order to share with our community for those who could not attend the live call. No participant details or personal information will be included in the recordings.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 9590 3265
Passcode: 735690

One tap mobile
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Ceremonialist: PMT Sanctioned Teacher Barrett Ogden
Contact: Barrett

*Time Zone Converter

Barrett Ogden

Teacher / Leader

Barrett Ogden

In addition to being a Certified Energy Healer of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, Barrett is a highly trained actor and teacher of acting, voice, and movement, with decades of coaching from world-renowned artists. He has slung bass for various bands since the ‘80s. He has performed, directed, and co-created new works for stage, screen, and other media. In the spirit of service, Barrett has looked to various wisdom traditions throughout his life. He long felt a profound calling to the shamanic path, though a suitable opportunity with the right teacher proved elusive. When at last he was introduced to The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, he thankfully embraced apprenticeship under the guidance of teacher Garry Caudill with the assistance of Shardai Rose Moon in Boulder, CO, followed by a second apprenticeship with Heather Weingartner and Rev. Anna Maria Lopez in Sedona, AZ. He is grateful to continually witness powerfully transformative healing and artistic development made possible through the THOTH lineage and related wisdom path practices for himself, his students and others. Barrett resides in Sandy, Utah and offers remote healing and Self-development services. Feel free to contact him directly.

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