Thursday, April 17, 2025
7:00 – 8:30 pm EST
Join Andrea Groves, and Hollie Brooks for an evening of heart opening cacao ceremony combined with soul nourishing Angelic Liquid Light Energy Transmission and shamanic journey meditation. Immerse yourself in a sacred, safe ceremonial space to connect with your heart and release all that is not serving you. Angelic Liquid Light is divine feminine energy that nourishes the soul and is very gentle and powerful. Both Hollie & Andrea have been attuned as 2nd level channelers, the highest level currently available.
7 spots available
Facilitators: Hollie Brooks & Andrea Groves
Location: 7473 Hiram Rd, Arcade, NY
Cost: $25; We accept Venmo payments, or cash for returning participants. Sending your Venmo payment for the event will confirm your spot. Refunds are only available up until 24 hours before the event if you need to cancel for any reason.
Details: please email Andrea,
Facebook event: