Jessica Lang, M.Ed.

Jessica is a devoted guide, partnering with individuals for deep soul work, healing and integration to end cycles of generational trauma, and to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harmony. Deeply committed to the practice of Ayni, or sacred reciprocity, Jessica is dedicated to providing opportunities for energetic expansion through ceremony, ritual, creative expression, shamanic lineage teachings and hermetic wisdom. As a Divine channel, Jessica invokes elemental, archetypal and angelic Spirits, facilitating immersive and transformative experiences that empower individuals to presence with and embody the holy flame of Love they hold within, and to step more deeply into alignment with the eternal Self. From breathwork, meditation, and healing sound, to cacao Spirit medicine, workshops and apprenticeships, Jessica empowers individuals to align with Source and their highest destiny. For Rhode Island in-person, or remote, energy healing sessions with Jessica, visit

Jessica devotes her Beauty Walk to reverent communion with the Spirit world, humbly seeding Love to further the expansion of Light consciousness through writing, art, and music. As a visual artist, Jessica shares moments of heirophany through a series of original art and mixed media prints with the intention of harmonizing sacred spaces.

You can purchase these via her ETSY store:

Jessica resides in Providence, Rhode Island with her three Rainbow children.


PMT Apprenticeship Trainings + Events

These trainings are done in person. Contact Jessica to set up a PMT course in your area.

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Interviews with Tonia Johnson of The Alchemy of ME Show

April 3, 2024 – Two Become ONE: Aligning with the Power of the Center to Presence with the Sacred
Join Jessica Lang and Tonia Johnson as they discuss the center. The center is the womb, the point from which all life blooms, and to which all life returns. To foster awareness for the center is to uphold the integrity of the center, inviting the fullness and sovereignty of peace-filled union through harmonious reconciliation. WATCH NOW

April 17, 2024 – Choosing Presence for Divine Alignment
Jessica and Tonia deepen their exploration of the power of the Center. The center is a beacon of Light, a Universal note of attunement, to which we may align. When we empower ourselves to pause and to welcome a fullness of awareness upon our current experience in the Light of gratitude, trust, and faith, we invite the fullness and sovereignty of peace-filled union. WATCH NOW

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Conversation with don Oscar

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