Gerald Richard, Sanctioned PMT Teacher

Gerald Richard

Gerald Richard walks the path of the Wounded Healer, utilizing painful experiences as opportunities for growth. Gerald practiced as a nurse for 27 years, became a Reiki practitioner, minister, and hypnotherapist. He also learned Native American ways of walking with a Sacred Pipe, pouring Sweat Lodge and completing two vision quests in the ways of Marcellus Bear Heart Williams of the Muskogee Creek Nation, passed down by Mike Three Bears Andrews. Gerald also did strict sadhana with Swami Kaleshwar, learning healing methods within this Shakti Path. As a ceremonialist, healer, mesa carrier and Sanctioned Teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, his goal is to help others Re-Member their most authentic selves by experiencing the power and beauty of these teachings and processes as a means to their personal health and wholeness. Gerald’s healing practice includes ceremonial offerings, workshops, guest teachers and retreats, as well as providing a sanctuary for those in need, with a focus on HIV+ youth-in-crisis within the Q’enti Wasi Wellness Center. Gerald resides in New Mexico.


PMT Apprenticeship Trainings + Events

These trainings are done in person. Contact Gerald to set up a PMT course in your area.

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Conversation with don Oscar

In this conversation with don Oscar, Gerald shares what initially drew him to the  Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Shamanic Arts,
and the ways in which his life has been significantly changed, evolved and transformed as a result of becoming a Sanctioned Teacher.


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