Garry Caudill
Garry began to explore this path 25 years ago, when he created a spiritual practice to support his calling to live in harmony with our beloved Earth Mother. After a deep and ongoing apprenticeship with don Oscar Miro-Quesada, many pilgrimages to Peru and the land of the Maya, he shares the Pachakuti Mesa Traditionâ„¢ with great reverence and honor. Garry resides in Colorado and offers distance (and limited local) healing work in addition to her/his in-person classes and apprenticeships.
My life has been an ongoing search to experience and understand all of creation that surrounds us. It began early with an avid interest in astronomy and the stars that lead to an education as an aerospace engineer. Later I explored all of the writings of Carlos Castaneda in the seventies and eighties when the universe began to tug at my spirit. I explored alternate realities from those of my scientific training and began to perceive more from my right brain as opposed to all that I experienced from my left brain.
It took another twenty years for the universe to help me find this path as I describe in my video conversation with don Oscar.  However, it happened as I began to explore this long unanswered calling as I entered into my first apprenticeship with don Oscar. Still a little encumbered by left brain orientation and the need to read every book I could find on Shamanism – it was really into my second apprenticeship with don Oscar that I began to move from my head to my heart. It was then that I awakened to the limitless possibilities of the spiritual and conscious possibilities that this path offers. You can read on this site how that unfolded over the last 23+ years with further studies with don Oscar, trips to Peru with don Oscar, sponsoring don Oscar for the local community in the Boulder area and 6 years of service on THOTH foundation board of directors.
However, it has been the experience of and the amazing joy of facilitating the PMT Apprenticeships that have so deeply rooted within my being how magically this lineage tradition can unfold for me and those showing up to explore and experience this great work. I feel that I have learned so much from those that I share this work with and I trust that each of them in ayni receive all that they hoped for with what I can share of this Tradition.
It is so interesting to observe during this current Pachakuti, those showing up for this tradition ranging from those very early in their life and spiritual exploration to those who answer their own calling, later in life, like I did. It is such an honor to hold ceremonial space for each of you and to co-create the sacred and magical experiences that occur through each of the weekends of the apprenticeships.
Living in Colorado with easy access to nature and our beloved Pachamama and the Apus here is a blessing.  We have several Apachetas on our regional Apus where we can hold ceremony during the equinoxes, solstices and full moons. Co-creating sacred space and community brings so much meaning to my life and the ever unfolding for moving to our next level of consciousness.
It is with deep reverence and honor that I offer the sharing of these lineage teachings from my heart to your heart.
- Lafayette, Colorado
- Email Gary
- @garrycaudill
- Connect with Garry on Facebook!
- Introductory Apprenticeship with don Oscar 1999 – 2000
- Intermediate Apprenticeship with don Oscar 2001 – 2002
- Advanced Apprenticeship with don Oscar 2003 – 2006
- Path of Ceremonial Arts – the StarHouse 2007 – 2008
- Lineage immersion trips to Peru 2000, 2002, 2007
- PMT Sanctioned Teacher 2010
PMT Apprenticeship Trainings + Events
These trainings are done in person. Contact Garry to set up a PMT course in your area.
Chawpinsuyu Ceremonies for Personal and Collective Healing
Shamanic Global Healing Meditation with Garry Caudill
From Star Seed to Star Being: In-Person Retreat with don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Conversation with don Oscar
In this conversation with don Oscar, Garry shares what initially drew him to the  Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Shamanic Arts,
and the ways in which his life has been significantly changed, evolved and transformed as a result of becoming a Sanctioned Teacher.