August 8-10, 2025
From Star Seed to Star Being: Unlocking Thoth’s Transformational Magic, Medicine & Mysticism as Adept Initiates of the Great Work
with don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Join don Oscar and doña Cindy Miro-Quesada and our beloved community of mesa carriers, star-seeds and new initiates to this work at Blazing Mountain Retreat Center, in Crestone, Colorado.
Prepare for a weekend of individual and collective soul-nurturing ritual artistry designed to radically dissolve the illusion of separation and restore an animating sense of enchantment in communion with our sentient natural world and broader cosmos. You will be embraced by a co-creative atmosphere of reverence, conviviality, and deep love for our world. You’ll discover new shamanic avenues for honoring the deep human urge to reconnect with the Ultimate, to live in communion with what is Ineffable, and to joyously invite the experience of unitive relationality with The Way known to our Great Originating Mystery into your life.
August 10-11, 2025
Sacred Staffs, Blossoming Souls: A Pachakuti Mesa Shamanic Apprenticeship in the Ceremonial Artistry and Medicine Virtues of the Vara Maestra and Seguro Mayor de Mesada Curanderíl
Facilitated by PMT Sanctioned Teacher Garry ‘Aguila Negra’ Caudill, a respected figure in our shamanic community with over 30 years of experience.
Join in this additional experientially immersive, hands-on shamanic workshop on Sunday, August 10th after the conclusion of From Star Seed to Star Being, and embark on a transformative journey into the heart of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Rooted in the profound wisdom of the kamasqa lineage, this apprenticeship illuminates the art and spirit of working with ceremonial Varas (ritual staffs) as powerful tools for healing, empowerment, and spiritual alignment.
Through guided practices, you’ll explore the ancient principles of sympathetic magic and imitative morphology, learning to properly select, care for, and ceremonially wield the medicine powers contained in these sacred artifacts. You’ll also create your personal Seguro Mayor, a shamanic artifact embodying ceremonial safety and spiritual grounding. This heart-centered tool will anchor, balance, and remind you of your essential sanctity and soul’s path.
Join us to deepen your appreciation of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, harmonize with the seen and unseen dimensions of the natural world, and blossom into your highest potential as a heart-awakened practitioner. Together, we weave a community of sacred service and ceremonial beauty, fostering personal growth and transformation.
Location: Blazing Mountain Retreat Center, Crestone, Co
This retreat is sold out, please fill out this form to be placed on the waitlist.