Pachakuti Mesa Tradition: Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal

This foundational apprenticeship offers a time-proven experiential path for safely exploring non-ordinary realms of consciousness and the knowledge that you are keeping this ancient sacred wisdom alive for future generations.
Philippe LePelch

Teacher / Leader

Philippe LePelch

Philippe’s relationship to nature is at the very core of his being. For as long as he can remember, he was fascinated by the animal kingdom and mysteriously charmed by the magic of an urban moon as experienced from his birthplace and childhood stomping grounds in and around the Washington DC metro area. His early passion for nature led him on an educational path towards wildlife conservation, followed by a 20-year journey with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. When Philippe joined the US Peace Corps and was sent to the heart of the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, he started down the path of self-discovery through Native American shamanism. Surrounded by majestic mountains and having plenty of free time to read, he had his first shamanic initiation via the Earth Quest series written by the late spiritual teacher Kenneth Meadows. This led to Philippe seeking healing from a shaman in Maryland and subsequent shamanic training with this teacher. Years later, he followed his intuition based on a strong connection with don Oscar and the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition’s past, present, and future lineages. Philippe sees this community as his arrival back home to a practice of planetary healing via a nature-honoring tradition. He resides in Northern Virginia.


Aug 23, 2024 - May 04, 2025


Warrenton, Virginia
Warrenton, Virginia

For pricing, scholarship, time, event location, and to register, please contact the teacher using the link below.

To Register, email: Philippe LePelch

“The PMT has provided me for the first time in my life, a comforting, ever-changing, and expansive but anchored container for my spiritual life and real-world existance. It has allowed me to experience the world around me as animate, playful, poetic. It helps me to not judge things/events as good or bad, but to glean more information and thus appreciation for it all. It is an enormous gift to go deeper into this work.” ~ Cornelia, M.  Los Angeles, CA

Part 1: The Call to Heal: Releasing the Past
May 3 – 5, 2024
This apprenticeship workshop initiates participants into the Pachakuti Mesa, a powerful and sacred altar. Students learn how to create their own mesas and work with them for self-empowerment, transformation, and helping others. Through shamanic journey and visionary states of consciousness, participants will explore the three worlds of the Andean cosmovision, sacred reciprocity with all that is, the core ingredients of ceremonial mastery, sacred sound and ritual language, healing, and curanderismo, and the inner world of the ukhupacha.

Part 2: A Balance of Power: Transforming the Present
August 23 – 25, 2024

During this workshop intensive, participants will apprentice in the center direction of the mesa, traditional Peruvian healing practices, and the kaypacha, the middle world. They will explore the kaypacha’s elemental matrix and magico-spiritual power, and learn about the moon’s presence in the middle world, mapping the cosmos on Earth, and celestial death and rebirth.

Part 3: The Condor’s Quest: Creating the Future
November 22 – 24, 2024
This workshop is an initiation into the paqokuna, the Andean Shaman/Priesthood mystical path, the lineage of the sacred mountains, and the five virtues of the mesa. Participants will also journey to and experience the hanaqpacha, the upper world beyond the physical, work with the unseen world there, and deepen their connection to their own spiritual resources.

Part 4: The Hummingbird’s Ascent: Living the Mystery
February 7 – 9, 2025
 In this apprenticeship workshop students will experience the upper world and learn about its lightning bolt of mystical illumination and the flow of kamasqa, the power of Creation. They will work with the elements, the forces of the universe, the body of Mother Earth, and sacred healing objects. In sacred reciprocity participants will create despachos to honor Mother Earth, the sacred mountains, the elements, the unseen world, and prepare for a paqowachu, a sacred pilgrimage.

Part 5: The Shamanic Self: Serving the Earth
May 2 – 4, 2025
This workshop deepens participants’ experience of soul and spirit through ritual process, including the spiritual creation, activation and care of an apacheta. Students will work with the power of creation in the kaypacha or middle world, dimensionality and time, as well as with the three suns, and the hampikamayoq process (ancient breathing techniques for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and transformation). Participants will be further empowered by evoking both seen and unseen sources of cosmic awareness within their mesa, sacred objects and own being, and initiation into the lineage of this revered tradition.

To Register, email: Philippe LePelch


Philippe LePelch

Teacher / Leader

Philippe LePelch

Philippe’s relationship to nature is at the very core of his being. For as long as he can remember, he was fascinated by the animal kingdom and mysteriously charmed by the magic of an urban moon as experienced from his birthplace and childhood stomping grounds in and around the Washington DC metro area. His early passion for nature led him on an educational path towards wildlife conservation, followed by a 20-year journey with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. When Philippe joined the US Peace Corps and was sent to the heart of the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, he started down the path of self-discovery through Native American shamanism. Surrounded by majestic mountains and having plenty of free time to read, he had his first shamanic initiation via the Earth Quest series written by the late spiritual teacher Kenneth Meadows. This led to Philippe seeking healing from a shaman in Maryland and subsequent shamanic training with this teacher. Years later, he followed his intuition based on a strong connection with don Oscar and the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition’s past, present, and future lineages. Philippe sees this community as his arrival back home to a practice of planetary healing via a nature-honoring tradition. He resides in Northern Virginia.

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