don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Originator of the Pachakuti Mesa / Transmitter of Wisdom Traditions / Vision Keeper of The Heart of the Healer Shamanic Mystery School
Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo is a respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, founder of The Heart of the Healer (THOTH), originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ cross-cultural shamanism. An internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher and healer, earth-honoring ceremonialist and author, don Oscar is OAS Fellow in Ethnopsychology and member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and Birth 2012 Welcoming Committee. He has been guiding ethno-spiritual pilgrimages to sacred sites of the world since 1986, with special emphasis on Peru and Bolivia.

Teachings Spread Far and Wide
Oscar is a popular faculty member at The Shift Network and educational centers in the USA and abroad, dedicating his life to the revitalization of aboriginal wisdom traditions as a means of restoring sacred trust between humankind and the natural world. A seasoned navigator of non-ordinary states of consciousness, don Oscar is well prepared to help people from all walks of life access realms of Being through which multidimensional powers and forces are available for healing self, others and our planetary ecosystem as a whole. His ceremonial work and shamanic apprenticeship programs have been featured on Sounds True, CNN, Univision, A&E, Discovery Channel and The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens.

Apprenticeship Years
Oscar Miro-Quesada’s apprenticeship in northern coastal huachuma curanderismo formally took place between the years 1969 and 1986. His first immersion into the living soul and mythic reality of Peruvian shamanism was under the uncompromising tutelage of the famed huachumero don Celso Rojas Palomino from Salas, accomplishing intensive training and becoming don Celso’s segundo de mando en banco (second in command for curing sessions).
Less than a month after don Celso’s passing, don Oscar found himself serendipitously involved in a less formal four-year shamanic apprenticeship in the southeastern Andean Paqo tradition with famed kuraq akulleq don Benito Corihuamán Vargas from the village of Wasao near Cusco. don Oscar received his musqochiwarqa qallariy transmission as altomisayoq from don Benito in November of 1985, barely seven months before this deeply revered elder made his earthly transition.
“Vocation is the inherent birthright one senses beyond the call to pursue a particular path that demands surrender and compliance with powers and mysteries far greater than ourselves.”
~ don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Events with don Oscar
Expand! Awaken Your Inner Mystic In-Person Event in Atlanta, GA
From Star Seed to Star Being: In-Person Retreat with don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Books & DVDs by don Oscar

Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation
Replete with heart-opening and mind-expanding wisdom, don Oscar Miro-Quesada provides students of consciousness and explorers of cosmic and divine realms a leading step forward in our understanding of shamanism as the world’s most enduring healing and spiritual tradition. Audio Version now available.

Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life
Bonnie Glass-Coffin, PhD and don Oscar Miro-Quesada have written the biography of an extraordinary man who has awakened to his own purpose in life as a servant to conscious evolution for all humanity. It is don Oscar’s own life story, dealing with nothing less than individual, spiritual, and planetary transformation.

Lecciones de Coraje
Esta es una profunda narracion sobre el solido aprendizaje de Miro-Quesada a traves de un viaje epico desde la Tierra hasta los pueblos de las estrellas, desde el conocimiento academico contemporaneo hasta la profundidad y el poder de la sabiduria y los rituales indigenas. Escrito por don Oscar Miro-Quesada y Bonnie Glass Coffin, PhD.

Healing Light: An Apprenticeship in Peruvian Shamanism
Healing Light brings us a full-length audio curriculum with don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Listeners will join him to explore the fine arts of northern coastal Peruvian shamanism; guided journeys and healing; rituals of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition.

Mirror of Heaven, Embodiment of Earth
This beautifully crafted DVD tutorial provides the viewer with a step-by-step apprenticeship of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition of cross-cultural shamanism.

RAMA: As Above, So Below
The RAMA Mission is an incredible journey into the universal laws uniting humanity through love and light. The objective is to prepare the Earth as the home of the new, more evolved person and the return of the Christ Consciousness.
Purchase MP3 Flashdrive
Podcasts and Videos with don Oscar
If you would like to schedule don Oscar Miro-Quesada for a live collaboration, podcast or interview, please contact

More with don Oscar
The Alchemy of ME
Understanding Star Relative Contacts as Catalysts for Ultra-Dimensional Consciousness and Human Spiritualization | The Alchemy of ME™ with Tonia: Anatomy of Humanity Through the Lens of Science and Spirituality. (Video Podcast December 19, 2024)
Mainstreet Mystics
Drs. Julie Krull & Paul J. Mills present the Shamanism episode with don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Shamini Jain exploring today’s shaman, who leaves new footprints on paths of psychic awareness and spiritual wisdom that are more than 70,000 years old. (Audio Podcast May 3, 2023)
Our Perfect Pachakuti: Plagues, People and Planetary Evolution
In this presentation from The 2020 Shift Network Shamanism Summit, don Oscar explains what ‘Pachakuti’ means, and the importance of heartfelt community rituals – even if virtual – that connect us to each other and Nature, and strengthen our ability to choose a life path that benefits All.
The Shift Network 2019 Shamanism Global Summit
In this visionary wisdom transmission don Oscar explores the relationship between shamanic mastery and the Great Work.
Travels Behind the Veil
Don Oscar offers teachings on three types of visionary journeywork employed in traditional Wachuma Curanderismo in an interview by Michael Stone from the 2018 TSN Shamanism Global Summit. (Audio)
Wholeness & Health as Meaning: The Shamanic Soul of Mind-Body Medicine
Stories of initiation, calling, and the power of spirit to affect the mind and body are told in this audio dialogue between world class healers Joan Borysenko and don Oscar Miro-Quesada. (Audio, recorded in 2018)
Sube la Vibra
Don Oscar shares his thoughts on the nature of the soul during this 2018 interview presented in Spanish.
Recorded in July 2017, Eric Francis Coppolino’s conversation with don Oscar covers three topics: the coming total solar eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017; the internet; and the nature and meaning of sex.
SuperNatural Girlz
Hosts Patricia Baker and PK ask don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo to recount an amazing UFO sighting in Peru with journalists present. Don Oscar also talks about the alternative medicine that shamanism makes available. Broadcast February 2017 (Audio)
Insights at the Edge
In this interview with Tami Simon of Sounds True, don Oscar discusses his audiobook Healing Light and its impact on your life path. Broadcast September 29, 2015. (Audio)
don Oscar Miro-Quesada on The History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens”
Don Oscar talks about his early apprenticeship, our relationship to the Star Nation, and features a despacho ceremony. Skip to 10:10 to view only don Oscar’s portion of the episode. (Aired 2/28/14)
Why the Hottest Word in Religion is ‘Shaman’
Don Oscar interviewed on NPR’s Radio Show, “Interfaith Voices” October 29, 2014. (Audio)
Mainstreet Mystics
Drs. Julie Krull & Paul J. Mills present the Shamanism episode with don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Shamini Jain exploring today’s shaman, who leaves new footprints on paths of psychic awareness and spiritual wisdom that are more than 70,000 years old. (Audio Podcast May 3, 2023)