Shamanic Journey & Offrenda Ceremony with Heather Weingartner

Please join Heather in a shamanic journey and offering ceremony for receiving guidance from and giving gratitude to the Unseen realms.
Heather Weingartner

Teacher / Leader

Heather Weingartner

Heather is a student and practitioner of the healing arts, a certified massage therapist and a PMT Sanctioned Teacher and ceremonialist. After graduating from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1991 with a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences, she began exploring many types of natural therapies, healing tools and spiritual practices. In 2011, she was introduced to the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ of Cross-Cultural Shamanism.


Jan 19, 2025


12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Chico, CA
Chico, CA

Sunday, January 19, 2024
12:00 – 4:00 pm 

Journeying or “shamanic magical flight” is a spiritual technology that has been employed for millennia by our ancestors. We all have the ability to journey in our own unique way and when we take the time to enter into non-ordinary states of consciousness, we are able to receive clear understandings into the nature of life, understand potentials that are possible for each of us and grasp solutions to dilemmas that challenge us.

Our journeys will be followed by the creation of a heart-based offering to be brought home and given to the land or other sacred place in gratitude for the support we received from the Unseen and our beloved Earth Mother.

Ceremonialist: PMT Sanctioned Teacher Heather Weingartner
Contact: Heather
Location: Chico Holistic Wellness Center, Chico, Ca

Heather Weingartner

Teacher / Leader

Heather Weingartner

Heather is a student and practitioner of the healing arts, a certified massage therapist and a PMT Sanctioned Teacher and ceremonialist. After graduating from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1991 with a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences, she began exploring many types of natural therapies, healing tools and spiritual practices. In 2011, she was introduced to the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ of Cross-Cultural Shamanism.

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